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Broncos Flag Football Denver Colorado

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League Expectations for Coaches

As a coach in the league, it’s important to have a good understanding of the league mission and its guiding principles. In addition, we as an organization have made a number of promises to your players' parents and are relying on you to help us keep these promises.

Broncos Flag Football Mission
Broncos Flag Football strives to create and maintain a positive, no-pressure atmosphere in a fun, safe and supportive environment for the kids. Healthy competition is promoted, rather than the high-pressure, “win-at-all-costs” mentality prevalent in so many youth sports leagues today. We keep the focus on the kids having fun and no matter the outcome of the game, every child is a winner.

Being a community based recreational league with “Everyone Plays” and “Equal Playing Time” policies, children of all sizes, athletic abilities, and experience are encouraged to participate in the action. Players are taught the fundamentals of the game, improve their athletic skills, stay active, and learn important life lessons and skills such as good sportsmanship and teamwork to help them succeed both on and off the field.

Promises We Make To Parents

1. This is a recreational league - This means ensuring all the kids are having fun and getting an opportunity to play takes precedence over coach’s and parent’s desire to win.

2. Equal Playing Time - All players get about the same playing time and about the same number of touches of the ball, unless they just want to play defense (some do). Our league philosophy includes a promise to get everybody involved and made to feel like they are an important part of the team. That means rotating positions and give every kid a chance to make a play. 

3. Practices are 1 Hour Before the Game. We promise parents that practice will be 1 hour before the game and that would be the only practice for the week. Please don’t schedule any additional mandatory practices. Encourage your players to practice with their parents and friends and give them things to work on. Informal "we're going to throw the ball around at Central Park at 4 pm Thursday if you'd like to come by and play" get together's are allowed, but they must be optional and no player should ever be penalized on game day for not attending an optional practice.  Feel free to send team emails with any pertinent information you'd like to impart.

4. Promoting a love of sports and exercise. With regard to discipline, if you keep practices light and fun for the kids and limit the time spent standing around, you shouldn't have any kids messing around during practice. But if you do, never discipline a kid by making them do push-ups, run laps or any form of exercise - we're trying to promote a lifelong love of exercise so it should not be used as punishment. Instead, sit them out for a minute or a 2 - they are here to play so sitting them out, depriving them of that, is usually an effective way to get their attention.

5. Teaching kids the value of good sportsmanship and teamwork. Be a role model for these kids – that means always being respectful of the officials, coaches and players on the opposing team. It's easy to get caught up in the game and the competition, but please remember, ultimately, all the coaches and officials are there for the same reason: to ensure that the kids are having fun and playing in safe environment. Never get into it with an official or an opposing coach, player or parent. Remember, the kids will see the way you act - be a role model for these kids by displaying good sportsmanship at all times and graciousness in both victory and defeat and you will earn their respect.

6. Player safety is the top priority. All coaches are required to take the CMC Heads Up Concussions In Youth Sports training. Please take it seriously – if you have any concern whatsoever that a player may have suffered a concussion, sit him or her out for the rest of the game. When In Doubt Sit Them Out is our policy regarding any potential head injury. No exceptions.